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Tzu Chings' monthly nursing home visit

2009.11.20 大愛英語新聞 Daai TV English News








Filial devotion is an important concept in Chinese culture. Tzu Chings in Shanghai are putting it into action by caring for seniors at a local nursing home. The college students visit the residents on a monthly basis, always preparing songs and dances for the old people to move along to. The gathering has become the favorite day of the month for the seniors.

<A nostalgic journey back to childhood>

This finger game takes these senior citizens on a nostalgic journey back to their childhood.

And this old love song triggers fond memories, and draws the residents of this nursing home closer to the visiting Tzu Chings.

Nursing home resident, Zhang Jueming: "I'm overjoyed! How could I not be? I see that the Tzu Chi people are very genuine, their love is extra large! A lot of the seniors here have been waiting for you. We kept on wondering when you would show up."

< Learning from one another>

It seems the residents count down the days to the volunteers' next monthly visit. Those that are incapacitated are not forgotten.

Tzu Ching, He Anqi: "It's not just us giving them warmth. They are like our family who give us warmth too."

Tzu Ching, Chen Shuxian: "We don't just feel happy, I think that the grandpas and grandmas have experienced a lot in their lives, so they can share with us, and help us grow as well."

< Favorite day of the month! >

Chen Shuxian from Singapore is studying in Shanghai; she is turning her homesickness into love for old people.

Each touching moment, volunteers and Tzu Chings alike are delivering true happiness to brighten up these seniors' day.

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